

Ce cheval dragon sera offert à la Chine pour célébrer les 50 ans des relations diplomatique France-Chine



Philani is a 24 yr old Bookworm, a pavement bookworm to be more precise, and currently based in Johannesburg, South Africa.
He basically bounces around different streets with his expansive library of books and at anybodies request reviews the books. He has read all the books in his collection and is always seeking for more to read. He then sells some of his books as a way to raise money for himself and some of his homeless friends.



By wello

Collecting, storing and using water - chercher, stocker et utiliser l'eau

It’s…CONVENIENT : Women spend over 25% of their time each day collecting water. With the WaterWheel, they can now transport 50L at once – between 3 and 5 times the amount of water possible as compared to traditional methods: this means MORE water in less time!
PRATIQUE : les femmes passent plus de 25% de leur temps chaque jour à aller chercher de l'eau. Avec la WaterWheel elles peuvent transporter 50 litres en une fois, soit 3 à 5 fois plus qu'avec la méthode traditionnelle

It’s…HYGIENIC : The WaterWheel’s cap-in-cap design prevents recontamination at the point of use. The single most effective strategy to reduce incidents of diarrheal disease (the second leading cause of death in children under the age of 5, according to the WHO)
HYGIENIQUE : le design de la WaterWheel prévient de la contamination au moment de l'utilisation, ce qui réduit les causes de diarhées (seconde cause de mort infantile)

It’s…HIGH QUALITY : The WaterWheel is manufactured from high-quality, human-safe plastics. It’s a smart investment: long lasting and is durable enough to handle the roughest terrain.
TOP QUALITE : la WaterWheel est fabriquée à partir d'un plastic de haute qualité et propre à une utilisation sanitaire. C'est un investissement intelligent car durable et à l'épreuve de tous types de terrain.

it’s…AFFORDABLE : In recognition of the fact that the people who need the WaterWheel the most have the least ability to pay for it, we developed an innovative business model that will enable us to offer the WaterWheel at an affordable price. Local manufacturing (in Ahmedabad, India) and CSR partnerships help us keep costs as low as possible.
BON MARCHE : Sachant que les personnes qui ont le plus besoin de la WaterWheel sont celles qui ont le moins de moyens financier, nous avons développé un business model qui nous permet de proposer la WaterWheel à un prix abordable, notamment grâce à une fabrication locale (à Ahmedabad en Inde).